Treat yourself to best goan food in Goa

Goa has been a colony of several cultures. No wonder, it has acquired the mannerism and lifestyle especially of the Portuguese. So, best goan food in Goa is that reminds you of how people lived in yesteryear’s!
It is usually said that despite modern lifestyle those who are able to maintain the simplistic style in cooking- keeping the natural way alive, make the best food. So is the best goan food in Goa.
So, when you are here, besides your favorite or habitual food, do try the traditional delicacies that the Goans prepare. Enjoy the best goan food in Goa!
The traditional goan food recipes ….keep you lip smacking!
The traditional goan food recipes are mouth-watering. A look at them and you can feel appetite!
The traditional styling cooks know that the earthenware, clay pots produce the aromatic flavor. The ingredients, spices are usually the ones grown in the local farms. The Goans practically breed the spices and they create the forms of traditional goan food recipes!
It is awesome that Goan traditional people realize the importance of slow and painstaking preparation that exudes aroma in the goan food and drink. Enjoy the best goan food in Goa!
When in Goa, try the exotic goan food and drink besides what your daily routine requires you to. Enjoy the best goan food in Goa!


This is a typical Goan delicacy with chicken, mushroom, lambs pieces sautéed in curry form prepared with complex mixture of spices, white poppy seeds, large dried red chilli pieces and grated coconut shreds.


is a spicy seafood or meat dish. This actually is a method of cooking, made with either fish (de peixe), prawns (de camarão), or pork (de porco), in a spicy and tangy tomato-chili sauce. It resembles pickling and can be made days in advance without reheating. (google Wikipedia)


This is inherited as Portuguese legacy and is specially cooked for weddings. The pork or beef is boiled till very soft. These are cooked with onions, garlic cloves, and bay leaf in the olive oil for about 5 minutes. Then the ribs, pork belly, and paprika are added.(google Wikipedia)


The spice paste combines the peppercorns, red chili, cinnamon, cloves, cumin seeds (or powder), and half of the vinegar blended. Combine pork, liver, and other offal in a large saucepan. Heat half of the oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat until shimmering. This is eaten with Sanna or steamed rice cakes. You can also eat with Pao(bread).


This is a fish dish prepared with salt. This helps give the flesh a firmer texture. This is mixed together the garlic, lemon and some freshly ground black pepper.


This is Goa’s Christmas favorite. Very sweet in taste, it is a multi-layered cake made from egg, coconut milk, sugar and ghee. Its preparation takes long as each layer needs to be cooked in oven for getting a fudge form They eat both hot and cold.


It is much more popular than any of the dishes mentioned above as it is a drink and alcoholic! It is prepared of cashew and caju respectively just as any alcoholic drink is made.
Coconut feni is less popular and is made from the sap of coconut palms.

The goan food and drink

The goan food and drink is a blend of several cultures, Portuguese, Muslim, Marathi, Hindu.
Non vegetarian food is usually consumed in regions lacking wheat and barley crops. Being in South India the goan food and drink has a distinct resemblance to the regions that purely thrive on coconut, rice and cattle hoarding.
Goa is rich in spices and Goans having stayed very close to natural living and lifestyle boast of all accolades and serve amazing goan food and drink!
The Sea gives Goa all the luck in fish, coconut, and spice plantations. The lush greenery endows Goa with guavas, cashews, pineapples.
Goa acquired potatoes, tomatoes, pineapples, guavas, and cashews from Portuguese who brought these with them from Brazil. Portuguese also gave Goa, the chili pepper. The Portuguese also introduced beef and pork to the converted Catholics. Incidentally, the Hindu populace doesn’t appreciate the consumption of meat even today.

Try the best seafood in goa

Goa gets good material for seafood from her beloved Arabian sea.
The best seafood in goa comprises of the sea creatures available to the Goans.
The cuisine is mostly seafood-based-fish- all the kinds. (
Kingfish(vison or visvan) is the most common delicacy. Other seafood delicacies include pomfretsharktuna, and mackerel. Among the shellfish are crabsprawnstiger prawnslobstersquid, and mussels.
Prawns are prepared with curry and pickles are also made of them, known as Balchao.
There is also the ‘Xinanio’, fish that takes form of ‘Mussels rawa’ with the fish fried with Rawa.
The Caldine curry is basically fish in nature and scope It is prepared as a yellow non spicy curry and is usually made with fish, but some people make it with prawns as well as vegetables. Enjoy the best goan food in Goa!


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